How do you feel when you hear the word: Sell?
If it makes your skin crawl, I can relate.
It's a 4-letter word that, for a long time, I didn't care very much about.
That's because, for a long time, I couldn't sell anything to anyone.
Mostly because I just hated coming across like a desperate used-car salesman.
You may be feeling similarly.
Just the word sales may make your skin crawl. Or make you feel what I call the "ick."
(The Ick: That icky feeling that grosses you out when you hear the word sales.)
How I Fell in Love With Selling
I felt the icky selling for a long time until I decided to change the meaning of the word Sell.
I decided to change the word "selling" to "serving," and the word "convincing" to "helping."
And from that one small edit, everything changed.
After that, I wanted to sell because I really enjoyed serving and helping people.
I got so good at it that I really felt I could sell anything to anyone, because I really wanted to help everyone.
And they felt it too, so much that they bought from me again and again.
In fact, they appreciated it so much that I was able to sell it to 92% of the people I met with.
So today, I'm going to teach you the keys to selling anything to anyone so that you can ultimately help everyone.
And the benefits are that you'll be happy, they'll be happy, and your bank account will be happy.
So get ready to become a sales master and be able to sell anything to anyone.
Let’s jump in.
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The 4 Keys to Irresistible Sales
There are just 4 powerful keys you need to learn regarding making your sales irresistible.
They are:
1. Have the Right Mindset
2. Qualify Your Prospect
3. Make Sure to Segment
4. Improve Your Skillset
Let's discuss each:
1. Have the Right Mindset
Now, many entrepreneurs fail at sales, usually because selling becomes something they do TO people instead of what they do FOR people.
And customers feel it so much that they want nothing to do with it.
But when you come with a heart to serve, help, and solve the customer's problem, most of the battle is already won. The customer will feel so taken care of that they’ll probably be sold even before you bring out the product or service.
Therefore, the best mindset for selling is that of a servant's heart to help solve the customer's problem.
Taking a genuine interest in helping your customer creates a massive amount of trust in the customer's mind and makes the sale much easier.
Then, when they see how your product or service is a perfect fit for solving their issue, the sale will always happen.
And, if for some reason it's not a good fit, you can refer them out. They will appreciate it, and may even send you referrals.
2. Qualify Your Prospect
Qualifying your prospect means ensuring that you only pursue buyers who are a good fit for your product or service.
This means establishing criteria to filter your prospects so that you only sit in front of people who are fit to buy.
Criteria like:
- They have to be the decision maker.
- They have to have enough discretionary income or the budget to buy.
- They have to be value customers and not price customers (price customers only care about price).
- They have to be in the market for your product or service.
If they have these qualities, sales is easy.
If they don’t, sales is really hard.
3. Make Sure to Segment
If you're selling to different people with different needs but treat them all the same, they will not feel very taken care of.
Therefore, segmenting your customers into subsets, based on their different needs, is very important.
By doing so, you can customize your message for each customer, which will increase their trust in you and lead to more sales.
Now, to avoid being overwhelmed by trying to meet every need, you can segment people into the four main personality types.
Then, you can practice communicating in a way that resonates with their specific personality type and instantly builds trust.
Here's a quick breakdown of the 4 different personality types and their needs:
- Action-oriented
- Desires control and achievement.
- Dislikes indecisiveness and wasted time.
- Values words like: achieve, results, performance, streamline, optimize, lead, command, dominate, efficiency, competitive edge.
- Relationship driven.
- Desires human connection and community.
- Dislikes conflict and feeling unappreciated.
- Values words like: support, care, teamwork, cooperation, reliable, dependable, peace of mind, trust, loyalty, and community.
- Detail oriented
- Desires certainty and stability.
- Dislikes vagueness, errors, and disorder.
- Values words like: accurate, detailed, thorough, evidence-based, logical, data-driven, systematic, organized, precise, and methodical.
- Variety and fun oriented.
- Desires excitement, fun, and recognition.
- Dislikes boredom, isolation, and criticism.
- Values words like: exciting, fun, innovative, engaging, dynamic, creative, inspiring, social, vibrant, and celebrate.
The easiest way to segment your prospects is with a quick survey, questionnaire, or scorecard. One of the best I've seen is on the ScoreApp: https://www.scoreapp.com.
Segmenting your prospects in this way and matching your presentation to their needs will build instant trust and make closing the sale much easier.
These also work great in your copywriting for your posts, emails, and newsletters.
4. Improve Your Skillset
Last, you will need an effective sales process to close the most sales.
The good news is that the Universal Sales Framework I am going to show you will work with every person, regardless of age, gender, demographic, culture, etc.
As long as you follow this formula and combine it with the strategies above - closing sales will become easy and effortless.
Let's discuss the Universal Sales Framework in detail:
The Universal Sales Framework
The Universal Sales Framework is built on 6 steps. The more steps you add to your sales meetings, the more effective your sales will be.
Let's begin:
1. Build rapport
Connect with the customer by speaking their language (use personality segmenting from above).
Talk about what's most important to them and their likes and dislikes.
Make them feel understood.
2. Uncover the Problem
Discuss their problem in detail.
Ask them why it's so important to them to resolve the problem.
Discuss the serious and painful implications if the problem is not solved.
Also, discuss their buying criteria and what they are looking for in a solution.
3. Present Your Solution
Discuss your solution and how it helps resolve their exact problem.
Educate them on other relevant problems it can resolve.
Also, show them how your solution fits their exact buying criteria.
4. Make an Irresistible Offer
Make your offer irresistible to the customer by adding bonuses and other things your customer considers valuable.
Also, make the offer irresistible by removing the risk for the buyer (using guarantees, free trials, etc).
5. Instill Urgency
Instill a sense of urgency by adding scarcity and/or
Remind them of the increasing pain and implications of the problem if it is not resolved.
6. Ask for the Sale
Recap all of the important parts of your sale.
Proactively ask them to take the next step in the sales process by starting a relationship with you.
Give them a vision of what their life will be like working with you to solve their problem.
Make them an offer to work together and then ask, "How does that sound to you." Or, "When would you like to start?
And make sure you are using the language that aligns with their personality type.
Therefore, by having the:
Mindset to serve instead of sell;
By making sure to qualify, you have the right buyers;
By segmenting your customers according to their specific needs, and
Following the Universal Sales Framework formula
You can expect every sale you make from now on to be easy and effortless, and it will make the selling process a lot more fun!
Not only will you feel this way, but your customers will feel this way as well.
Then, it will be a win for you, a win for your customer, and ultimately, a big win for your bank account.
To your success,
Will Peña MBA
Want to learn more about crafting irresistible offers? Join The Millionaire Factory Skool group here: The Millionaire Factory. You’ll get insights, tips, and support to help you create offers that your customers can’t refuse.
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